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In-house Data Club: Updates on ICO guidance, Schrems and Brexit

  • 18 September 2019
  • 9.00am until 10.30am (registration & breakfast from 8.30am)
  • Lewis Silkin LLP, 5 Chancery Lane, London, EC4A 1BL
  • Entry: Free

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It seems that long lazy summers are a thing of the past for privacy practitioners with this summer seeing a number of significant regulatory guidances being released and decisions being made.

During our next data club session, we intend to explore:

  • ICO Guidance on Cookies/Adtech and the practical implications
  • Implication of Schrems
  • What we need to be thinking about in light of an increasingly likely Brexit

As we said at our last meeting, the LS in house data club is intended to be a discussion forum so if there is anything else you want to discuss during the session please feel free to raise.

If you have any queries, or a colleague who would like to attend, please contact

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