Global mobility

Proud member of Ius Laboris

Ensuring you have the people you need, in the places you need them.

An effective global mobility programme requires expert consideration of all of the issues involved in transferring people around the world.

We work closely with your HR, finance, global mobility and legal teams to apply the best mobility options and ensure that your business is compliant, no matter where your employees are working from.

Our experts can exploit opportunities, mitigate risks and will manage your global mobility framework in a way that works both for your business strategy and for your employees.

We advise you on:

  • Traditional secondments, assignments and relocations 
  • Temporary overseas working (often called workcations) 
  • Temporary or permanent relocation by employees for personal reasons, including to locations where they will work remotely for their home employer 
  • Permanent remote hires in locations where your business has no entities 
  • Other global employment models such as the use of employers of record (or the offboarding of employees who had been engaged through employers of record), matrix reporting models, and global employment companies

Our experts

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