Steven Lorber

Steven Lorber

Consultant Partner
London, United Kingdom


I am a Consultant Partner in our Employment Immigration and Reward team.

I specialise in employment law and workplace data privacy law. I have experience of working domestically and in an international context on matters such as complex discrimination claims, cross-border restructuring and large scale redundancies. I am interested in the law on transfers of undertakings and on procurement by public bodies.

I also advise on constitutional and regulatory aspects of charity law and safeguarding. I have a particular interest in legislation on criminal records and rehabilitation of offenders.

I am keen to encourage the use of plain language generally and in a legal context.



  • Advising on a claim by an employee who raised serial grievances, alleging discriminatory victimisation
  • Advising on a collective redundancy process on the closure of a manufacturing facility with a dispute with staff representatives over consultation
  • Advising on a multi-jurisdictional restructuring project with a particular focus on cross-border consultation both on large-scale redundancies and outsourcing

Workplace data privacy

  • Implementing privacy policies and and impact assessments
  • Handling data subject access rights both by data controllers in receipt of a request and and as a tool that may be used by concerned data subjects
  • Advising on the interplay between the law of data privacy and processing of information on criminal records


  • Advising on constitutional structures and amendments
  • Advising charity trustees on duties and responsibilities and, in particular, on the making of ex gratia payments and handling of conflicts
  • Advising on handling serious incident reporting obligations