
After more than 20 years of practice in employment law I still love what I do. I'm lucky to have worked both in-house and in private practice and have advised hundreds of businesses - all over the world - from those with just a few team members to PLCs with hundreds of thousands of employees.

Rather than explaining to my clients every detail of what the law says, I strive to provide practical, succinct, commercial advice on what is best for them in their specific circumstances.

I advise corporate clients on the full range of employment and workforce-based issues, with a particular focus on employment tribunal litigation, workplace disputes, grievances and investigations and training.

I am the co-chair of the Manchester Law Society Employment Law Forum and an elected member of the Manchester Law Society council.



  • Supporting with clients on strategically important projects. I strive to understand the needs of the business and provide measured, commercial advice to help clients achieve the balance between these needs and needs of employees/employment law. Often helping clients to implement strategic or policy-led changes to their workforces or working practices.
  • Advising some of the UKs largest employers on the employment law implications of significant contractual changes they were making, often involving collective consultation and ranging in impact on employees from 1 or 2 to 10,000s.
  • Advising clients on large-scale and complex redundancy and company reorganisations usually requiring collective consultations with Unions and representatives and news-worthy projects. Getting it right for clients and the employees impacted is my top priority and my experience includes advising various household and high-street names.
  • Advising clients on the full suite of TUPE implications from both Transferor to Transferee. Understanding the tricks and methods used in both drafting and application of TUPE transfers to allow clients to navigate their way through what can be complex and confusing circumstances.

Employment Litigation

  • Regularly advising clients on high-stakes employment tribunal litigation. This includes large equal pay claims, multi-party and multi-claim cases together with high-value or high-profile litigation.
  • Having appeared in most employment tribunals in Great Britain as an advocate I have a deep understanding of the nuances of the Employment Tribunal system allowing me to advise clients on the pitfalls of defending employment tribunal cases (both good and bad!!).
  • I have acted in cases from small value through to millions of pounds in terms of their value recognising that sometimes the value is irrelevant and doing the right thing (or being seen to do the right thing) is crucial so understanding what is driving the litigation for the client is vital - I will always do that.

Workplace Disputes, Grievances & Investigations

  • Leading a team of lawyers conducting some of the UKs highest profile investigations – often involving those in the public eye or where the press are involved. Handling such cases sensitively and professionally to allow clients to focus on acting appropriately in light of the investigation findings.
  • Helping clients to navigate complex or highly sensitive grievances – many involving Exec level employees, significantly impactful issues (for both employee and employer) or allegations of serious, unlawful or career or business altering issues.
  • Regularly training internal teams on handling both investigations and grievances – understanding what good looks like, what the Employment Tribunal would expect of an employer together with supporting HR/ER and Senior Teams on how best to carry out such processes with the minimum of impact for all those involved

Upskilling, Training and Employee Development

  • Regularly working with clients to train their colleagues on several high-profile or significant issues to avoid problems occurring. Having training thousands of people on Respectful Behaviours, Anti-harassment, Anti-bullying and supporting clients in working with their Exec Teams to understand the importance of such training.
  • Providing bespoke and off-the-shelf training and upskill sessions on employment law topics for more than 2 decades including full engagement with the use of cases (published and unpublished) to make the sessions interesting and impactful.

