
I have been a dispute resolution lawyer for over 10 years, covering a wide range of cross border commercial litigations and arbitrations, in particular involving Mainland Chinese elements. My experience covers shareholder disputes, control over listed companies, fraud and asset tracing, trust and estate, contract, insolvency and bankruptcy, applications for urgent reliefs (freezing injunctions and disclosure orders) and various regulatory matters. My clients include individuals from all walks of life and companies in different sectors and jurisdictions. I frequently work with overseas lawyers and other professionals in complicated disputes.

I speak fluent Cantonese, Mandarin and English, and have a MSc in International Finance, and a MA in Health Care Ethics and Law.

I was shortlisted by HKALB as the Litigator of the Year in the ALB Women Lawyers Awards 2023.


Cross border corporate M&A disputes

  • Representing and advising the General Partner and the Founder of a private equity fund in multiple arbitrations and related court proceedings in HK, Cayman Islands, Nevis, the PRC concerning a dispute of USD1 billion
  • Representing Madam Zhang Lan, a PRC entrepreneur, in CIETAC arbitrations defending various misrepresentation claims of around USD300 million commenced by a private equity fund, and defending the related Hong Kong proceedings
  • Acting for a private equity fund against the founder and the invested entities with a VIE structure in Hong Kong arbitrations for fraudulent misrepresentations with claims over USD34 million, and applied for ancillary Mareva injunction in Hong Kong and in Mainland
  • Acting for a HK company to defend claims of EUR 8 million in relation to the creation and registration of an illegitimate charge and for procuring breach of contract and conspiracy to injure by unlawful means
  • Acting for and advising a Hong Kong company, which had been in the fisheries business with operating subsidiaries in Russia and Europe, in a shareholder dispute
  • Acting for a licensed money lender owned by a prominent casino group in an HKIAC arbitration to recover AUD12 million debt
  • Successfully dismissing the contractual claims against Rio Tinto Shipping (Asia) Pte Ltd by NewOcean Petroleum Company Limited, a supplier of oil bunkers, and setting aside leave to serve a Concurrent Writ out of jurisdiction based on a contractual claim, arising from the liquidation of the OW Bunkers Group

Disputes involving listed companies

  • Advising a listed company in Hong Kong concerning claims based on fraudulent misrepresentations and conspiracy to defraud against a convertible bondholder and its nominees, who sought to usurp control over the management of the listed company by converting the bonds into shares in breach of the terms of the bonds and the relevant securities regulations
  • Representing a HK listed company defending claims made by an ex-director and counter-claiming based on breach of fiduciary duties
  • Representing directors of a Hong Kong listed company defending claims brought by ex-director based on the alleged misrepresentations on an investment in the PRC made by the listed company
  • Advising a PRC individual on the recovery of shares in a listed company which have been unlawfully transferred
  • Advising and acting for the ex-CFO of a Hong Kong listed company in the energy logistics and coal producing business in HK court proceedings commenced by provisional liquidators based on misappropriation of assets and breach of fiduciary duties. Such claims also related to unfair prejudice proceedings in India and legal proceedings in Singapore

Fraud and asset tracing

  • Representing victims of online scams, applying for Mareva and proprietary injunctions against the recipients of funds and Norwich Pharmacal orders against financial institution or service providers for the purpose of tracing
  • Representing recipients of funds to defend claims by victim of internet fraud based on unjust enrichment, constructive trust, knowing receipt and dishonest assistance

Insolvency and bankruptcy

  • Advising the liquidators of a Hong Kong company on the validity of a proof of debt based on a judicial auction sale of arbitration awards in the Mainland
  • Advising and acting for an ex-director of a company in liquidation to defend claims based on unfair preference, breach of fiduciary duties and alleged unlawful return of capital and distributions
