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Katie Moon

Katie MoonLegal Designer

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I am a Legal Designer and specialise in creating bespoke legal documents that are functional, user-friendly and reflect a company’s brand and values.

As a Legal Designer, I work with all teams at Lewis Silkin to deliver contract redesign projects for clients. Through an iterative and collaborative process, I focus on understanding and clearly defining an in-house team’s pain points with their contracts and policies to create legal documents that are clear, user-friendly and fit for purpose.

I qualified as a solicitor in October 2022 and provided commercial contract review and data protection support at an alternative legal service provider, where I grew into managing and delivering legal transformation and design projects for clients in a range of industries. This included:

  • delivering B2B and B2C legal design projects for companies looking to comply with new consumer legislation, update their templates to be CLM-ready or increase deal speed with more balanced terms,
  • creating legal and business-user playbooks for negotiating contracts,
  • supporting clients with new legal tech selection and implementation, and
  • optimising in-house legal teams in a holistic way by delving into their processes, templates, tools and ways of working with business teams and creating effective solutions to resolve points of friction.

I’m passionate about cutting through the complexities of dense legal jargon in order to create contracts that users can understand and engage with, and which reflect your company’s values, tone of voice and brand.

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