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Global HR Lawyers

Your employees and Brexit: the situation so far

14 August 2017

With the Government’s announcement in June of its plan for EU migrants following Brexit, many UK employers are struggling to understand the potential effects of its proposal on employees who are EEA nationals or family members of EEA nationals.

We are pleased to share our suite of options, including training and streamlined application support, to help businesses support their employees. If you would like any further information about how we can help you in this area, please do get in touch.

At the end of July the Government instructed the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to start its investigations into the impact of Brexit on UK business and labour. This research will heavily influence the future shape of our immigration system. The MAC has issued a call for evidence which is open until late October.

The MAC report will be investigating how Brexit will affect key industries in the UK and they want to hear the views of stakeholders. This is your opportunity to have a say in what the future immigration system will look like and how it can best benefit your business.

Lewis Silkin will be holding sector specific discussion forums during the autumn to give our clients the opportunity to input to these discussions which we will feed into the MAC report. Look out for further information from us!

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