英国と欧州連合(EU)は、英国政府発行の要約と欧州委員会発行の説明パンフレットと共に、貿易協力協定(協定)の文書を公開している。The UK and EU have published the text of their Trade and Cooperation Agreement (the Agreement), alongside a summary issued by the UK government and an explanatory brochure from the EU Commission.
In summary, in return for a tariff and quota-free trade deal, the UK has agreed that it will not reduce employment law rights below the standards that exist on 31 December 2020 – if doing so would affect trade or investment. The UK is free not to implement future EU employment laws, but the EU may, in certain circumstances, apply “rebalancing measures” (such as tariffs) if it has proof of a “material impact” on trade or investment.
Click here to read the full article on the Centre People website