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Consumer law REVOLUTION: The reviews are in… but some are FAKE!

  • 22 May 2024
  • 4pm - 5pm
  • Online - Zoom

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Consumer laws in the UK are undergoing a revolution in 2024 with the implementation of the new Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill expected before the end of this year.

The DMCC bill will give the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) strong new powers to unliterally impose potentially huge fines of up to 10% of global turnover for breaches of consumer law.

We're focusing on some of the key areas that are undergoing significant change, and in our next webinar, we will be focusing on fake reviews – which will be a ‘banned practice’ under the DMCC Bill, joining the list of 31 banned practices under the existing law.

This session will be of interest to any businesses hosting or using customer reviews in any way, not just dedicated review websites. The new banned practices expressly prohibit not just commissioning or submitting fake online reviews, but also posting consumer reviews without taking reasonable steps to ensure they are genuine. This means any website that allows User Generated Content in the form of consumer reviews will need to have compliance procedures built in.

With the CMA’s new fining powers, businesses need to be aware of the new rules and how to comply with them. We will look at some useful examples and consider the position under the CAP Code, as well as under the new law. As always, we’ll focus on solutions and allow time to answer your questions.


Event speakers

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Brinsley Dresden


I am a specialist in advertising and marketing law and regulation, representing both brand owners and marketing services agencies across a ...

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Geraint Lloyd-Taylor


I am a partner and Co-Head of the firm’s Advertising & Marketing Law team. I am ranked as a ‘Leading Individual’ for Technology, Media and ...

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Fleur Chenevix-Trench

Senior Associate

I am a Senior Associate in Lewis Silkin’s Digital, Commerce and Creative team in London.

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