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Immigration Training

Immigration law and requirements change on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the consequences of noncompliance are increasingly costly for employers in a policy environment focussed on enforcement.

We provide training for HR professionals, managers, in-house lawyers and staff designed to give you the knowledge you need to ensure that your organisation’s immigration practices are robust and compliant.

All of our training is practical, interactive, accessible and engaging, and can be tailored to your interests and the requirements of your business.Our trainers are also specialist immigration lawyers so you know you are getting a legal expert as well as a great trainer.

Our immigration training brochure provides:

  • Core courses on sponsorship and prevention of illegal working at a fixed cost
  • Modular courses on immigration topics at a fixed cost that can be mixed and matched
  • Tailored courses
  • Spring and autumn breakfast briefings and workshops programme

As well as our training programme, we also offer we have developed our Immigration Solutions for HR offering covering three key areas that HR professionals and their businesses most commonly need in-depth support on – Brexit, Skilled workers and Right to Work. Each immigration topic includes a suite of toolkits, training and onsite support specifically for HR professionals and employees.

Our popular immigration Law Academy, set over two sessions, is designed to help HR teams understand the options within the immigration system available to employers to secure international talent and to keep up-to-date with vitally important changes. 


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