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Regulatory & compliance

Regulations are unavoidable – how you manage them is key.

Regulations need not simply be seen as a hindrance or a threat. Some provide opportunity, and managed correctly they can give your business a competitive advantage.

Our regulation experts translate their extensive knowledge into practical advice, delivered in a friendly, approachable way. We’ll help you scan the regulatory horizon and turn regulations from challenges into opportunities.

We’ve advised some of the world’s best-known brands on complying with regulatory requirements, including large corporate entities, financial services organisations, platforms, media owners, agencies and influencers.

Our regulatory team has extensive experience working with Hong Kong regulators and can provide you with strategic and pragmatic advice to help you to assess and balance risks.

Whether you need to understand and navigate the regulatory framework (and changes within it), or you need assistance in responding to enquiries or an investigation, our expertise can help you manage interactions with a range of regulators including:

  • Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
  • Competition Commission
  • Consumer Council 
  • Customs & Excise Department 
  • Environmental Protection Department (EPD)
  • Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC)
  • Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
  • Insurance Authority  
  • Labour Department
  • Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data 
  • Securities and Futures commission (SFC)

If you require support with investigations or enforcement by regulators, our regulatory litigation team is also available to assist you.